Birta Gudjonsdottir - Short Bio

Birta Gudjonsdottir (b. 1977) is a curator and artist living in Reykjavik, Iceland.
In 2023 she was a co-curator of the Off Biennale Cairo, Egypt; exhibition Glyphic Reverie -
Dancing with your own Hands, at Salah-Al-Din Citedel.
In 2019, she was a Curator of the Icelandic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale; exhibition Chromo Sapiens of artist Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir / Shoplifter.
2020, Artistic Director of art festival
Art without Borders 2020, which produces and mediates art of all art forms by disabled artists, Iceland.
2014-2018, Chief Curator at the National Art Museum of Iceland, Reykjavik.
2015, Co-curator of
Momentum – Nordic Art Biennial of Contemporary Art in Moss, Norway.
2013, Guest-curator of the
Nordic Triennial of Art in Eskilstuna, Sweden.
2009-2011, Director of The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik.
2008-2009, Artistic Director of exhibition space 101 Projects, Reykjavik.
2008, Curator´s assistant at MuHKA; Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp, Belgium.
2007-2008, Participation in the Nordic Baltic Curatorial Platform project, initiated by FRAME, Finland.
2005-2008, Curator at SAFN, Private Contemporary Art Collection, Reykjavik.

Gudjonsdottir has independently curated over fourty exhibitions in Amsterdam, Basel, Berlin, Boden, Cairo, Oslo, Melbourne, Moss, New York, Paris, St. Petersburg, Venice and all art museums and most art spaces in Iceland.
In 2011 she participated in the Curatorial Intensive Program of ICI; Independent Curators International, New York. In 2011 she participated in The Cornwall Workshop, organised by Tate Museum St. Ives. She is a co-founder of the Association of Curators in Iceland and has been on the advisory boards of the Icelandic Art Center, Reykjavik Art Museum, Künstlerhaus Bethanien-Berlin, The Icelandic Academy of the Arts and The Visual Arts Council of Iceland, and on the boards of the Association of Art Historians and Art Theorists in Iceland, as well as on the acquisition committee of The Reykjavik Art Museum, and on the board of The Association of Icelandic Artists-SÍM. From 2002-2013 she produced her non-profit home-gallery
Dwarf Gallery in Reykjavik. She is a member of IKT, International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, since 2010.

Birta Gudjonsdottir - CV



2024, Curator of MA-degree show of Iceland Academy of the Arts, The Living Art Museum. (Catalogue)

2023, Co-curator of Cairo Off Biennale, Something Else III, in Cairo, Egypt. Exhibition Glyphic Reverie - Dancing with your own Hands at Salah-Al-Dinh Citedel.
Online catalogue:

2021, Curator of WERK-Labor Move; solo exhibition of Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir at the Reykjavík Art Museum-Hafnarhús.

, Artistic Director of art festival Art without Borders in Iceland, which showcases art of all art forms by disabled artists.

2020, Curator of the 50th Anniversary Exhibition of the Icelandic Printmaker´s Association (Íslensk Grafík) at the Nordic House, Reykjavík. 50 artists. (Catalogue)

2020, Curator of Across the Golden Bridge; group exhibition of The Sculptor´s Association of Reykjavik. New, commissioned work in public space in Reykjavik. Participating artists: Anna Júlía Friðbjörnsdóttir, Brynhildur Þorgeirsdóttir, Elísabet Brynhildardóttir, Eygló Harðardóttir, Hanan Benammar, Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir, Klængur Gunnarsson, Rebecca Erin Moran,Vala Sigþrúðar Jónsdóttir, Þórdís Alda Sigurðardóttir. (Catalogue)

2020, Curator of An Ode – Poriferal Phases. Solo exhibition of Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir (IS) at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.

2019, Curator of Between Old Bones and New Moons. Solo exhibition of Linda Persson (SE) at Galerie Van Gelder, Amsterdam.

2018-2019, Curator of the Icelandic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art. Artist: Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir / Shoplifter. Exhibition: Chromo Sapiens. (Catalogue)

2014-2018, Chief Curator at the National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik. In this capacity I have curated various exhibitions, co-edited publications and participated in public presentations. Among collaborating artists: Berlinde de Bruyckere, Elina Brotherus, Chantal Joffe, Joan Jonas, Jochum Nordström, Steina & Woody Vasulka.

2016, Curator of two-person exhibition VISIOLOGY / METHODOLOGY - Hanne Darboven & Bjarni H. Þórarinsson at SAFN-Berlin, private collection.

2015, Curator of solo exhibition of artist Kristjan Gudmundsson at Rappaz Museum, Basel, Switzerland.

2015, Co-curator of TUNNEL VISION Momentum 8 - Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art. Moss, Norway. With curators Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Stefanie Hessler and Toke Lykkeberg. Participating Artists: Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir / Shoplifter, Brody Condon, Steingrímur Eyfjörð, Valia Fetisov with Dzina Zhuk & Nicolay Spesivtsev, Johanna Heldebro, Minna L. Henriksson, Sofia Hultén, Ferdinand Ahm Krag, Agnieszka Kurant, Cristóbal Lehyt, Eva Löfdahl, Joanna Lombard, Lundahl & Seitl, Fujiko Nakaya, Christine Ödlund, Ola Pehrson, Edward Shenk, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Bjarni H. Þórarinsson, Sissel Tolaas, Ryan Trecartin, Steina (Steina Vasulka), Emanuel Vigeland, Julius von Bismarck, Zhala. (Catalogue)

2015, Curator of group show < Cubit at SAFN-Private Art Collection, Reykjavik. Participating Artists: Roger Ackling, Josef Albers, Silvia Bächli, Tilo Baumgärtel, Birgir Andrésson, Bjarni H. Þórarinsson, Daniel Buren, Thomas A. Clark, Hanne Darboven, Erla Stefánsdóttir, Angus Fairhurst, Finnbogi Pétursson, Ceal Floyer, Guðjón Ketilsson, Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson, Susan Hiller, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Roni Horn, Alan Johnston, Kristján Guðmundsson, Michael Landy, Mark Lombardi, Sarah Lucas, Magnús Pálsson, Yoko Ono, Richard Prince, Ragnar Kjartansson, Dieter Roth, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Karin Sander, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Gillian Wearing, Lawrence Weiner. (Catalogue)

2014, Curator of artist Steingrimur Eyfjörd´s solo show; The Old Hag at Emerson Gallery, Berlin.

2014, Curator of exhibition project ”Difficulty of Freedom / Freedom of Difficulty”. With artists Erla Haraldsdóttir, Carin Ellberg, Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir, Steingrímur Eyfjörð and 8 art students from the Umeå Academy of Fine Arts and the Iceland Academy of Fine Arts. (Catalogue)

2014, Curator of MA-degree show of Iceland Academy of the Arts, Gerdarsafn Art Museum. (Catalogue)

2013, Guest-curator of the Nordic Art Triennial at Eskilstuna Art Museum, Sweden. (Catalogue)

2013, Co-curator, with curator & Art in America critic Gregory Volk, of group exhibition; Elemental at Havremagasinet in Boden, Sweden. Participating Artists: Lawrence Weiner, Olafur Eliasson, Roni Horn, Joan Jonas, Roman Signer, Karin Sander, Birgir Andrésson, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Maria Friberg, Kristján Guðmundsson, Tumi Magnússon. (Catalogue)

2013, Co-curator of an exhibition of Nordic video artists; Nordic Outbreak, at the Streaming Museum & Scandinavia House, New York City, USA. With curators Daniela Arriado, Kati Kivinen and Jacob Lillemose. In collaboration with Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, Screen City Festival, Stavanger, Denmark Center of Architecture, Copenhagen and Reykjavik Art Museum. Participating Artists: Eija-Liisa Ahtila, J Tobias Anderson, Björk, Ken Are Bongo, Jeannette Ehlers, Efterklang, Jette Ellgaard, Jessica Faiss, Marit Følstad, Søren Thilo Funder, Sigurdur Gudjonsson, Styrmir Örn Gudmundsson, Eva-Mari Haikala, Iselin Linstad Hauge, Kaia Hugin, Hanne Ivars, Mogens Jacobsen, Vibeke Jensen, Jesper Just, Hannu Karjalainen, Antti Laitinen, Dan Lestander, Una Lorenzen, Pernille With Madsen, Dodda Maggy, Eva Olsson, QNQ/AUJIK, Miia Rinne, Egill Saebjornsson, Magnus Sigurdarson, Birgitte Sigmundstad and Superflex. (Catalogue)

2013, Curator of a retrospective exhibition; My Perception, on the extensive writings of psychic Ms. Erla Stefansdottir, and a selection of her numerous drawings of elves, hidden people and their habitats, aura portraits and energy-meridians of sacred places. At Hafnarborg Art Museum. Iceland.

2013, Curator of a group exhibition of 8 artists and 8 healers in Iceland; An Attempt to Harvest the Light, whose works are greatly influenced by New Age theory. At Hafnarborg Art Museum, Iceland. Participating Artists: Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir, Daði Guðbjörnsson, Erla Þórarinsdóttir, Helga Sigurðardóttir, Helgi Þórsson, Hulda Vilhjálmsdóttir, Ingibjörg Magnadóttir, Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir, Margrét Elíasdóttir, Reynir Katrínar, Sigrún Olsen, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Snorri Ásmundsson, Steingrímur Eyfjörð, Viðar Aðalsteinsson og Þórey Eyþórsdóttir.

2012, Curator of exhibition; Kjerringen og Rúsí Sæng, of artists Helgi Thórsson and Steingrímur Eyfjörð, at Tidens Krav Gallery in Oslo, Norway.

2012, Curator of exhibition Faster and Slower Lines, of a selection of over 100 drawings/line-works from the SAFN Private Collection of Contemporary Art, at The Reykjavik Art Museum.
2011, Co-curator of exhibition Nordic Art Today; Conceptual Debts, Broken Dreams and New Horizons at Loft Project Etagi, St. Petersburg, Russia. With curators Aura Seikkula, Kari Brandtzaeg, Power Ekroth and Simon Sheikh. Participating Artists: Tatiana Akhmetgalieva, Kasper Akhøj, Lene Berg, Eva la Cour, Nanna Debois Buhl, Leander Djønne, Silas Emmery, Steingrimur Eyfjörd, Gunndis Yr Finnbogadottir, Bodil Furu, Ivan Galuzin, Goksøyr & Martens, Allen Grubesic, Tamar Guimarães, Goran Hassanpour, Siri Hermansen, IC-98, Unnar Örn Jonasson & Olivia Plender, Anna Líndal, Bjarki Bragason, Dorinel Marc, Hans Rosenström, Johan Zetterquist. (Catalogue)

2010, Curator of group exhibition 9 - Nine, of 9 Icelandic artists at Gerdarsafn Art Museum in Kopavogur, Iceland. Participating Artists: Bjarki Bragason, Berglynd Jona Hlynsdottir, Etienne De France, Gunndis Yr Finnbogadottir, Helga Gylfadottir, Logi Bjarnason, Pall Haukur Björnsson, Steinunn Gunnlaugsdottir. (Catalogue)

2010, Curator of exhibition Alternative Eye, of a selection of over 80 photographic works from the SAFN Private Collection of Contemporary Art, at The Reykjavik Art Museum.

2010, Co-curator of six-person group exhibition Museum Mysteries at The Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland. With curator Hannes Sigurdsson. Participating Artists: Kristjan Gudmundsson, Ingolfur Arnarsson, Ivar Brynjolfsson, Ivar Valgardsson, Jon Laxdal. (Catalogue)

2009, Co-curator of exhibition Volcano Lovers, at Ise Foundation, Manhattan, New York. 8 Icelandic and Japanese artists. With Shinya Watanabe. Participating Artists: Hildur Bjarnadottir, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Guðny Rósa Ingimarsdottir, Haraldur Jonsson, Noriko Ambe, Atsushi Saga, Katsuhiro Saiki, Yuken Teruya. (catalogue)
2009- 11, Director of and co-curator at The Living Art Museum in Reykjavik. In this capacity I have organised various exhibitions and projects, co-initiated archival projects, co-edited publications and participated in public presentations.
2008, Curator of Icelandic artist Gudrun Kristjansdottir ́s solo exhibition, Weather Writing, at Hafnarborg Art Center, Iceland.
2008- 09, Artistic Director and chief curator of Art Foundation 101 Projects in Reykjavik. Artist ́s solo exhibitions: Susan Hiller, Mathilde Ter Heijne, Tamy Ben Tor, Davíð Örn Halldórsson. In this capacity I also organised and participated in public presentations.
2008, Curator ́s assistant and researcher for group exhibition; Textiles and the Social Fabric at MuHKA; Museum for Contemporary Art in Antwerp, Belgium. Curator: Grant Watson. (Catalogue)
2008, Curator of solo exhibition of Steingrimur Eyfjörd at the Nordatlantens Brygge in Copenhagen. (Catalogue)ð
2007, Curator of exhibition Healer Inside and Out. Participating Artists: Ryan Parteka, Björk Guðnadóttir and Sigríður Dóra Jóhannsdóttir. Kling & Bang Gallery in Reykjavik.
2006, Curator of group-exhibition The Other Side of Things(On the Other Side) of 5 Icelandic artists, at BUS Gallery in Melbourne, Australia. Participating Artists: Darri Lorenzen, Geirthrúður Finnbogadóttir Hjörvar, Haraldur Jónsson, Sigurður Guðjónsson. www.bus.au
2005- 08, Chief curator at SAFN; private collection of contemporary art, in Reykjavik. In this capacity I have organised numerous exhibitions and participated in public presentations.
2005, Artist´s assistant and daily manager of the Icelandic Pavilion at the 51st Venice Biennial, Italy. Exhibiting artist: Gabriela Fridriksdottir.
2002-2013, Producer of home-gallery Dwarf Gallery in Reykjavik. Exhibitiong Artists: Anke Sievers, Bec Stupac, Jetske de Boer, Halldor Asgeirsson, Halldor Örn Ulfarsson, Efrat Zehavi, Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdottir, AiPotu, Claus Hugo Nielsen, Sigga Björg Sigurdardottir, Thomas Huerl, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Curver Thoroddsen, Pall Ivan fra Eidum, Melkorka Huldudottir, Geirthrudur Finnbogadottir Hjörvar, Öyvind Aspen, Kristjan Zaklynski, Lina Bjorn, Katrin Hjordisardottir Jonsdottir, Petur Mar Gunnarsson, Magnus Arnason, Toru Fujiko & Natalie, Hildur Gudnadottir, Kristin Björk Kristjansdottir, Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir, Linda Rogn.

, Visiting tutor at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts. MA-Curatorial practice.
Selection committee representative of The Icelandic Art Prize.
, Founding Director of The Association of Curators in Iceland.
Participation in Cité des Arts Visit Program, Paris.
Participation in Künstlerhaus Bethanien´s Residency-visit Program, Berlin.
2021, Participation in Helsinki Taik´s Studio Visit Program, Helsinki.
2021, Talk on Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir-Shoplifter, at Nordatlantensbrygge, Copenhagen.
2020, Participation in Bildmuseet Umea´s Studio Visit Program via Zoom.
2020-2024, Visiting tutor at the Icelandic Art Academy. MA-students of Visual Art.
, Talk in a panel titled Future Responses – Future Responsibilities at the Arctic Arts Summit 2019.,-Chalenges-and-Opportunities
2018, Participation in the Oslo Open Curator´s studio visit Program Oslo, Norway.
2016, Participation in the Stroom Curator´s Studio Visit Program. Den Haag, The Netherlands.
2015, Co-producer of SIM, Curatorial Residency in Reykjavik, Iceland.
2013, Researcher of material on visual arts in the radio/sound archives of the National Radio of Iceland; Visual Art on the Radio.
2013-2016, Vice boardmember of The Museum Council of Iceland.
2013, Participation as a curator in Ships at Sea peer project of selected curators in the Nordic countries. Nordic/Baltic Curators Caucus. Organized by HQ Sparwasser in Berlin. Other participants: Rhea Dall (DK), Geir Haraldseth (NO), Laura Mott (US/SE), Rael Artel (EST).
2012, Talk and participation in a panel discussion at The Armory Show art fair in New York. At the occasion of the Nordic focus at this edition of the fair, curated by Malmö Kunsthalle director Jacob Fabricius. Title of the session was; Peripatetic Models for Utopistic Cultural Exchange, focusing on the Nordic model as an example.
2012, Writing for Norwegian artist Andreas Siqueland for his PhD catalogue and solo show at Oslo Kunsthögskole Gallery in Oslo, Norway.
2012, Writing for The Icelandic Art Awards; Sjonlistaverdlaunin.
2012, Writing for English artist Charlotte McGowanGriffin for her catalogue and solo show at Fruehsorge Drawing Contemporary in Berlin.
2012-2016, Vice board member of The Art Theory Association of Iceland.
2011, One of 12 international, independent curators invited for the Curatorial Intensive program at ICI-Independent Curators International. Course leaders: Kate Fowle, Teresa Gleadowe, Christian Rattemeyer, Sofia-Hernandez Chong Cuy, Matthew Higgs, Mark Dion, Mari Spirito, Anne Barlow and Cecilia Alemani.
2011, Invited as an international, independent curator for The Cornwall Workshop, by invitation from its main organizer curator Teresa Gleadowe and Tate Museum (Tate St. Ives). Leaders: Mark Dion, Sally Tallant, Mark Clark.
2008, Participation in Curators ́ Invitational, exchange platform. Invited by Art Forum Berlin.
2008-2012, Collaboration with Nordic and Baltic curator ́s collective WAG.
2008, Member of editorial board of Icelandic art magazine Sjonauki.
2008- 10, Member of selection-committee at The Icelandic Academy of the Arts.
2008- 11, Board member of The Living Art Museum in Reykjavik.
2008, Commissioned curatorial contribution to Icelandic art magazine Sjonauki.
2008, Co-course leader of Carnival-Dialogue at the Visual Arts Department of The Icelandic Academy of the Arts. Together with artist Huginn Thor Arason.
2007, One of four speakers at Berlin Art Forum Talks, on contemporary art in Reykjavik.
2007- 08, Participation in Nordic Baltic Curatorial Platform; workshop of curators of the Nordic and Baltic countries. Organized by curator Veronica Wiman at FRAME.
2007, Article on the Reykjavik art scene, for New York Art Magazine.
2007, Writing for catalogue of Young Baltic Biennial, on Icelandic artist Elin Hansdottir.
2007, Writing for Icelandic artist Ragna Robertsdottir for her solo show at i8 Gallery, Reykjavik.
2006-10, Board member of SIM-The Association of Icelandic Artists in Reykjavik.
2006, Co-founder and board member of Sequences Real-time Art Festival in Reykjavik.
2004-05, Assistant at commercial gallery i8 Gallery in Reykjavik.
2004, Co-creator of multidisciplinary project Glow, in collaboration with dancer Margret Sara Guðjónsdóttir and musician Kristin Björk Kristjansdottir. Art center Vooruit in Gent, Belgium.
2004, Artwork made for the cover of art and design magazine Stereo in Rotterdam.
2003, Participation in a course of artists Olafur Eliasson and Rirkrit Tiravanija at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice(IUAV), in Italy.
2003, Artwork made for the bookwork Trans/Gender, edited by Nina Hoechtl andSuzanne van Rossenberg. Published by Revolver Verlag.
2002, Two performance-theater events in collaboration with authors Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Vala Thorsdottir, the National TV/Radio and Reykjavik Art Festival.

, MA-Cultural Management & Strategy, Bifröst University, Iceland.
2013-2014, MA-Critical and Pedagogical Studies, Malmö Art Academy & Lund University, Sweden.
2004, MA-degree of Fine Art at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
2001, BA-degree of Fine Art at The Icelandic Academy of the Arts in Reykjavik, Iceland.
2000, Exchange student at the Kuvataide Academy of the Arts in Helsinki, Finland.
1997, College graduation from MR College in Reykjavik.

2017, Safnasafnið Folk Art Museum, Iceland. Curated by Niels Hafstein.
2009, The House in Drangsnes in Iceland.
2009, Mosfellsbær Art Center in Mosfellsbær, Iceland.
2008, Turpentine Gallery in Reykjavik.
2007, BOX Gallery, artist run exhibition space in Akureyri, Iceland.
2007, Reykjavik Art Museum, in Reykjavik. Curated by Olöf K. Sigurdardottir.
2005, Sudsudvestur Gallery; an artist-run exhibition space in Keflavik, Iceland.
2003, De 5er; an artist-run exhibition space of Marjolijn Dijkman, in Rotterdam.
2002, i8 Gallery; Under the Stairs. Commercial art gallery, Reykjavik.

2012, Safnasafnasafn, Safnasafnid Folk Art Museum, Iceland. Curated by Niels Hafstein.
2010, Acknowledging Knowledge, Arnesinga Art Museum, Iceland. Curated by Ingirafn Steinarsson and Olof Gerdur Sigfusdottir.
2009, 7 Sails, internet-exhibition, Heriot Toun Studio in Midloathian, Scotland.
2007, Trygve Lie Gallery, commercial gallery in New York, USA. Curated by Laufey Bustany.
2007, Nordic House, Cityborderlands, in Reykjavik. Curated by Kristina Autzen.
2006, Fredriks Bastion, Cityborderlands, in Copenhagen. Curated by Kristina Autzen.
2005, Angro-House, together with artist Gudjon Ketilsson, in Seydisfjordur, Iceland.
2004, Nordic House, in the exhibition Wintermass, Reykjavik. Curated by Páll Banine.
2004, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in exhibition Rotterdam Exposure 2004, an exhibition of selected works of young artists in Rotterdam. Curated by Sjarel Ex.
2004, Glasgow Project Room. In exhibition Gathering Thoughts, in Glasgow, Scotland.
2003, Reykjavik Art Museum, Ecce Femina; self-portraits of female artists. Curator: Harpa Björnsdottir.
2003, The Living Art Museum, in an exhibition titled Grassroots, Reykjavik. Curators: Dorothée Kirch & Erling Klingenberg.
2003, Locus010, an artist-run space. In exhibition Nachtwacht, in Rotterdam. Curated by Anke Bangma and Maike Bleeker.

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